Friday, October 1, 2010

The Saga Continues

It started almost two years ago,when we were at the college student center and waiting for our teacher to arrive( our final sem before graduating)…we have this AVR and someone brought a copy of twilight the movie, and as it started rolling I got struck with the story...even if there are scenes in the movie I didn’t understand because I never read the book ( in fact never heard of it), I could say I enjoyed it… and so it began, out of curiosity (because the movie ended in a “to be continued” manner) I read the novel collection by Stephenie Meyer and I finished it all in less than a month...

Well, I've read few vampire stories like The Vampire Diaries by L.J Smith, Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice by and the Sookie Stockhouse Southern Vampire Series by Charlaine Harris... but i can still say that the Twilight Saga was a lot's not that complex ( I mean you don't need a dictionary or any other references in order to understand the novels) and it's a love story.

I could say that this whole “twilight saga” became a phenomenal hit because it deals with everyone’s repressed desires (yeah, you may not admit it but it actually does)…it represented something lot like “ a perfect happy ever after” we all wished would happen to us…

Who could forget these memorable lines of Edward…(to Bella) TWILIGHT

“I'm the world's best predator, aren't I? Everything about me invites you in — my voice, my face, even my smell”...

“your scent…it’s like a drug to me…Yes, you are exactly my personal brand of heroin."…

"To me, it was like you were some kind of demon, summoned straight from my own personal hell to ruin me. The fragrance coming off your skin… I thought it would make me deranged that first day. In that one hour, I thought of a hundred different ways to lure you from the room with me, to get you alone. And I fought them each back, thinking of my family, what I could do to them. I had to run out, to get away before I could speak the words that would make you follow…"

… “I would rather die than stay away from you."

…"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…"

Who would not want Edward Cullen? (okay except with the sparkling thing under the sun and that the fact that he *lived on blood feeding alone…*not but it adds to the thrill aren’t they?)…Someone who is stuck in a 17 year old perfect physique (since 1918), the gorgeous reddish brown haired vampire, with “a strange ocher, darker than butterscotch, but with the same golden tone” color of eyes… “A perfect statue, carved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble, glittering like crystal”…Someone with a musical voice, enchanting laugh and that beautiful crooked smile, inhumanly beautiful and rich…

Someone whose willing to be with you (while keeping his best behavior) no matter how your irresistible scent keeps his throat burning…Someone willing to face even death just to save you…Someone whose always there and willing to break the rules just to be with you …someone intelligent, artistic, fast, cold( creepy?), can read minds and can keep staring at you in your sleep because he doesn’t need one...abilities of a superhero a girl would want to have in her life…

"You’re not asleep, and you’re not dead. I’m here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away. When I told you that I didn’t want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy."- Edward Cullen, New Moon

"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars—points of light and reason… And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but /my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything." Edward Cullen, New Moon

How about the super hot (literally and figuratively) Jacob Black? The werewolf. The Shape Shifter. The best friend you can turn to no matter what…accepts your human vulnerability…who have seen your worst but still keeps on loving you…he appeared to be perfect as well…only that he can’t make himself to be like Edward Cullen to win Bella’s heart..oh yeah Bella loves Jacob but not as much as she loves Edward..not enough…(ouch!)…  

“Until your heart stops beating, Bella,…I’ll be here — fighting. Don’t forget that you have options.”…“Just think about how it could be, Bella,” he urged in a soft, eager voice. “You wouldn’t have to change anything for me. You know Charlie would be happy if you picked me. I could protect you just as well as your vampire can — maybe better. And I would make you happy, Bella. There’s so much I could give you that he can’t. I’ll bet he couldn’t even kiss you like that — because he would hurt you. I would never, never hurt you, Bella. -Jacob (Eclipse)”…ohw…I pity Jacob…no matter what he does, still not good enough… But in a girl’s point of view, who would not want someone like Jake around? I mean just the thought of having someone who’s willing to wait despite the hurt…someone ready to catch you anytime…anytime you decide to fall…

And the luckiest girl---Isabella Marie Swan (unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Edward)…the human being whose life became thrilling with the whole vampire- werewolf thing…Bella represented a typical life of a teenager...sometimes trapped in a situation where she needs to do major decisions…beautiful yet not perfect…tough yet vulnerable (accident prone)…determined yet sometimes weak…the girl who always reminds herself to breathe whenever she kisses Edward …so human (you can smell the bouquet but you can’t taste the wine), clumsy, ordinary…. yet loved by two creatures whose willing to give up everything they have just to have her…

"Isabella Swan? I promise to love you forever — every single day of forever. Will you marry me?" -Edward Cullen,Eclipse

Well, in the was still a happy ending (Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn)…

Bella married Edward after graduating high school (he was still 17 and she was 18 going on 19, that’s over a year after they met..."For several years, my biggest personality trait was going to be thirsty. It would take some time before I could be me again. And even when I was in control of myself, I would never feel exactly the way I felt now. Human… and passionately in love. I wanted the complete experience before I traded in my warm, breakable, pheromone-riddled body for something beautiful, strong… and unknown. I wanted a real honeymoon with Edward. And, despite the danger he feared this would put me in, he’d agreed to try." -Bella Swan, Breaking Dawn

…and she got pregnant…( I remember how I keep giggling in Isle Esme chapter of Breaking Dawn)…and since the baby inside her keeps growing fast, Bella’s health somewhat deteriorated…in a period of few weeks…Bella already broken few ribs because of the pregnancy, they kept feeding the infant with blood to sustain it’s life through Bella (she took them per orem…eww, gross..) Bella almost died in giving birth to Renesmee ( the baby) because she lost too much blood but Edward was there to save her…well, not her life but her existence…she was turned into a vampire…( welcome to the club!)( this ends the Bella- Jacob thing…)…after some time, Renesmee became fond of Jake…and it turns out that she is his soulmate…

He imprints her as a sign of it..well, it’s something that just happen to shape shifter like Jake to imprint their soulmates..they cannot control it..although everyone was shocked I guess they were still able to accept it…anyway, Nessie (as Jake calls the baby),in a matter of few years (like 7years or so like Nahuel) she’ll be a full grown teenager (since she’s fast growing) and will be stuck with that wonderful physique forever…as for Jake, as long a shape shifter is strong enough they also stopped aging…aging process starts again when they became too weak to transform..(well, I wonder what will happen to this couple)…after their encounter with the Volturi and proving the a creature like Renesmee ( someone whose born with a human mother and a vampire father...not in a typical biting process if you know what I mean which may convey the child's immortality which is against the vampire sort of law) is not a threat to all the vampire community…the Volturi finally decided and left them in peace...I guess they all lived happily ever after…forever…literally…I wonder how you spend your life, or I must say existence if you have forever…such a long time…lol.

" I knew it was working then, so I concentrated even harder, dredging up specific memories I’d saved for this moment, letting them flood my mind, and hopefully his as well. Some of the memories were not clear – dim human memories, seen through weak eyes and heard through weak ears: the first time I’d seen his face… the way it felt when he’d held me in the meadow… the sound of his voice through the darkness of my faltering consciousness when he’d saved me from James… his face as he waited under a canopy of flowers to marry me… every precious moment from the island… his cold hands touching our baby through my skin… And the sharp memories, perfectly recalled: his face when I’d opened my eyes to my new life, to the endless dawn of immortality… that first kiss… that first night"… -Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn

"Now you know. No one’s ever loved anyone as much as I love you." -Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn

In the end, it still a love story…it leaves us with an inspiration… that somehow, someday someone would walk into our lives and make us realize that we can be loved…maybe more than how Bella was loved…in time, we will experience a dose of our well-deserved magic…I wonder when will it come…haha=)

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